Applying for a very large grant atm and I’m shocked…shocked by how I’ve had to correct so many architect and engineering numbers in the proposed budget. I’m a public sector planner and supposed to be doing the narrative and these dudes have me working the weekend on a $20M project.
When I began researching EVs, the Model Y just made the most sense economically for my family’s first electric car. Now the CEO has ratcheted up his insanity to a level I didn’t foresee and I worry for my family’s safety just driving it. Scrolling Rivian daily even though I’d lose my ass selling.
The first question that comes to mind when the average MAGA says they pay too much in Federal taxes is…”aren’t you part of the half who doesn’t even pay taxes?”

We had gotten timed admission tickets to the zoo for this afternoon, but I guess everybody else had the same idea on account of the weather, so we decided to skip it and just go to the playground in Washington Park. A couple small meltdowns, but we had a nice day.
Doing some grocery shopping this morning at a major grocer. One lane open with a human on a Saturday morning. No baggers. When I worked as a bagger in the late 90s, we’d easily have 8-10 lanes open all with baggers on Saturday mornings. Union jobs, lower prices, even inflation adjusted.
My son just turned six a few weeks ago and his reading abilities have exploded in recent months. Yesterday we found out that he’s in an advanced kindergarten reading group. It’s been awesome to see him learn and grow.
I started reading: The Arsenal of Democracy by Albert J. Baime 📚
What’s something you miss about somewhere you used to live and why?
For me, it’s Elderly Instruments in Lansing, Michigan. Working downtown in the early 10s, I’d go there on my lunch breaks sometimes and play guitars I couldn’t afford. What a vibe.
Roughly 8 out of 10 men who wear black wedding rings give me skin crawly vibes.
A gorgeous end to a false spring day in #PDX

Whew. Lifelong goal complete. ✅ Finished reading: The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro 📚
I think California needs to take one for the team and split into 3 separate states so we can take back the Senate.
As much as I advocate for walkability and transit, I will admit that I’ve always wanted an old school Porsche as a weekend driver.
Do people actually join Instagram Broadcast Channels? Am I just not seeing the appeal or are they really as annoying as they seem?
How cool would it be if all federal workers stood in solidarity and just didn’t go to work today. Or tomorrow. Or the next day.
We got away for a night in Hood River for my birthday. Kids spent the night at their grandparents’ house. We ran into some friends we hadn’t seen in a while, ate good food, drank too many beers. Hiked. Rained like hell. Wife puked in my car the next day 😂

I really hope Ghost’s ActivityPub integration plan involves a Substack-like app. The web-only interface and lack of social are really my only hang ups.
Nothing in Oregon is “pricey”….it’s “spendy”.
My son just got a high attendance achievement award for 90% or higher attendance and it made me laugh because it seems like a pretty low bar. Imagine allowing kids to miss a day every other week and sending out awards for those who made the cut.
I applied for a grant and was successful in receiving about $80k in funding to go toward 12 new EV charging stations in downtown Hillsboro at my work. After about 9 months since award, I was happy to finally see them installed today!