We took a country drive out to Carlton this morning to go swimming in their public pool, which was nicer than expected. In fact, the entire town was cuter than I expected. I had forgotten that some vineyards use it for their tasting rooms.

Afterward, we went out to our friend's house in a nearby rural area. The kids spent time with her father ("Pa"), taking rides on a makeshift train the guy made out of an old electric shopping cart (Amigo?) and several trailers he constructed himself out of old water filtration tanks.

Our friend has been growing flowers and giving them away for free. I think it's a really sweet idea and a nice way to brighten people's day. The adults and most of the kids helped put together some bouquets for their roadside stand.

We ate a fresh lunch and I went out and said hello to the mules. I think we connected, but they may have thought I had treats.

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