it's felt so good to distance myself from this techy shit.
i have 4 really crazy classes.
i'll be involved in ethnographic field research projects for MSU.
i'll be proposing ideas in my local community and hopefully receiving grants to make positive changes around me.
i'll be learning about and presenting on various different social movements across the globe.
and i'm learning about european civilization and history, mostly dealing with empires and conquering the globe, post 1500 ad.
i'm already really busy and this feels weird.
i want to be done already, but at the same time i feel like i'm really learning and doing shit that i've always wanted.
i'm back at a decent University, with less idiots in my class per capita, (and the people in my 400 level class are just simply brilliant),
my roommates seem to generally kick ass (hey shawna),
I'm within walking distance of downtown, and buildings, and Elderly Music, and the library.
I have crazy ghetto neighbors, and hipster neighbors who drive mopeds.
the weather has been fantastic (maybe a touch too hot, but the nights are perfect),
I've made a couple of new friends, and even one from across the country (hey Zoe!)
I'm inconsistent with capitalization.
I hope the winter doesn't ruin me.
maybe my follow-up post for the semester (or maybe even in a couple of weeks) i'll be complaining that this really sucks. or maybe not. but right now it's okay.
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