The self is overrated
What's the big deal with individuality? If you ask me, it's more just a means to an end, a reason to draw lines around and/or between EVERYTHING. I'm speaking of individuality, not to be mistaken for creativity. Why are we always making up these boundaries about who we are and who we are not when most of the time this individualiaty is just dogma or stigma or hypocricy. What is the desire, the positive outcome? I'm not talking about that "friends come in all sizes" bullshit; I know, people are yellow and brown and fat and skinny, I'm not talking about making clones of everyone. It's just that we try so hard to define ourselves, to constrict what our values and ideas and lifestyles and everything are. It's just such a bunch of bologna. Shit, I bet half of you probably spent 4 hours on your keywords for livejournal trying to create what you believe to be a good image of yourself to save face. Lose a little face. We're human.
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