Life of Bryan

The Tower Position: Self Main (positional) Meaning: Significant change is brought about rapidly and unexpectedly.

The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.

The Tower represents a rapid, creative charge that is unplanned and uncontrollable but presents a brilliant opportunity for transformation. Because of circumstances beyond your control, you have no choice.

Try not to judge whether this development is good or bad. You won't know for awhile whether this was the worst disaster that ever happened or a significant breakthrough. It could be a combination of both.

Two of Coins Position: Situation Main (positional) Meaning: Resist the impulse to join those around you who are becoming polarized in opposing camps.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Two of Coins is in this position, you may be surrounded by people who are busy taking sides. If so, resist the impulse to join either camp. Some people with a need to be in control may jump to conclusions. You do not have to join them, however, or take a position one way or the other.

Ask yourself – are all the facts in yet? Or do unknowns still govern the day? If you are patient, you will spare yourself grief, while truth reveals itself in its own good time. Don't let fear have its way with you – you may discover the situation was never as serious as it seemed.

Queen of Swords Position: Challenges/ Opportunities Main (positional) Meaning: Champion your own needs; put some distance between yourself and those who would hamper your progress.

The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

With the Queen of Swords in this position, improve your ability to balance your needs against the pressures of other people's expectations. To turn this challenge into an opportunity, develop some enthusiasm for spending more time with yourself, making the pivotal decisions in your own life, and living directly with the consequences of your choices.

Become your own best advocate. To help you accomplish this goal, shorten the list of people and circumstances that have the power to distract you or divert your energy. Define your boundaries. State your goals. Start acting on your own behalf.