Life of Bryan

Whether I found the gold, I never told.

Hrm, the sounds of last summer are starting to be recirculated. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Of course there are cd's that you listen to, that compliment the mood you're already in, but theres just certain songs or albums that make me feel a certain way. I usually tuck them away for safe keeping, for those times when I think they'll be therapeutic. Summer is weird though. Only some albums are strictly summer albums. Albums that remind me of good times, hell, even bad times that somehow look sweeter looking back.

So it's June already. One month ago I was frying in the desert, worried how the semester would end, wondering how things would get done. Well everything got done. Now all I have is work. I've been kind of looking for a place in Lansing. Originally the plan was to move down with my friend Trevor and his buddy Tyler. Tyler was in the coast guard and he got a housing allowance. So I figured they'd be okay by themselves and began looking for a place with my old roommate, Adam, from my first year of college at Michigan State. He's still one of my good friends. One of those friends that I don't necessarily see all the time, but when we get the chance to hang out, we really just clique. Well as it turns out, Tyler dropped out on Trevor, so Trevor is sorta up shit creek without a paddle. I'd like to help him out but he doesn't seem to be showing much initiative to sign up for classes, look for a place to live, etc. For example, last week I said I'd take him in and get him registered for classes. We planned for Tuesday to be the day [yesterday], and he'd take the day off work. Well yesterday morning I get up extra early [for me, about 8am], But when I tried calling, he wasn't answering. So I go over there and he'd gone to work. He could have taken the day off because he works for his family. So basically I took a day off for nothing [and I could really use the money] and scrapped other plans to do this FOR HIM. He's been nothing but a good friend to me and has helped me out so much and I know we'd be good roomies but I don't like this flaking out shit. So I really don't know who I should be getting a place with…someone who is going to have a positive influence on my lifestyle or someone who I've been a little hellion with for years. Guess I'll figure it out, but it's gotta be soon.

OH yeah, did I mention I'm broke because they CUT my hours after school ended? Make checks payable to Bryan Robb. XO I love this shit.