from sea to shining sea. or some bullshit like that.

Live At Ibiza: what's up man? spira infinitas: heya. just posting some pictures online. spira infinitas: what up Live At Ibiza: not shit, just turned in some laundry and took ashower. spira infinitas: i see. amy came over tonight with maria. i think she's trying to hook us up or something. Live At Ibiza: did she? is she still there? spira infinitas: no, she went home Live At Ibiza: dammit Live At Ibiza: she said she was gonna email me what time she worked tomorrow but she didn't. spira infinitas: she didn't know what time she had to work… Live At Ibiza: she didn't? Live At Ibiza: even after work yesterday? Live At Ibiza: how'd that absinthe taste? spira infinitas: i guess not. maria had to leave because she has to get up at 6 and when they left, amy said she didn't even know when she had to go in tomorrow. i guess today she was over an hour late. she thought she had to be there at 5 but she was supposed to be there at noon. they called her and she went in. spira infinitas: the absinthe tastes like really fucking strong jagermeister. Live At Ibiza: hahaha Live At Ibiza: i want to try it. spira infinitas: well, like i said, i didn't take very much at all so i didn't really feel the effects Live At Ibiza: is it a big bottle? spira infinitas: well it's shaped weird, like a circle, but i think it's probably a fifth. Live At Ibiza: cool. spira infinitas: yea. sorry dude-i won't drink anymore. Live At Ibiza: we'll drink it when i get home and just get all kinds of shitty off of it. spira infinitas: sounds good to me. it's like 60 percent alcohol. you'll definitely get plenty kinds of shitty. Live At Ibiza: hahah Live At Ibiza: yeah i know this man. spira infinitas: can't wait. Live At Ibiza: soon Live At Ibiza: hahah Live At Ibiza: i can't wait to come home man. spira infinitas: i know you can't. it's probably going to be like heaven for you…and you'll get to have a little taste of spring before it gets all hot Live At Ibiza: yeah. it's gonna be nice. Live At Ibiza: i'm super excited about marrying amy man. spira infinitas: yeah, it's going to be cool. i think you guys are right for eachother. Live At Ibiza: thanks, me too. i love her a lot. spira infinitas: and she loves you a lot Live At Ibiza: yeah i know, it's wonderful. spira infinitas: what time is it there Live At Ibiza: 9:52 am spira infinitas: weird. Live At Ibiza: yeah Live At Ibiza: we're 8 hours ahead of you guys, it always confuses me whenever i try calling home. spira infinitas: so what kid of building are you in? just a computer lab? Live At Ibiza: it's a tent. spira infinitas: haha Live At Ibiza: yep spira infinitas: what's the temp like Live At Ibiza: it's nice in here, it's pretty cold this morning though. i work up freezing my ass off last night Live At Ibiza: woke sorry not work spira infinitas: gotcha Live At Ibiza: yeah spira infinitas: brb. gonna grab a midnight snack. Live At Ibiza: aight. spira infinitas: that's cool you get to use the internet bro Live At Ibiza: yeah i know, i pretty much always have, but the last place i was at, we were behind a really nasty firewall. Live At Ibiza: i found one way around it but i had to pay for it.; spira infinitas: well don't go getting your armd chopped off for looking at porn. Live At Ibiza: i won't Live At Ibiza: haha Live At Ibiza: oh well. Live At Ibiza: don't need to worry about it anymore. Live At Ibiza: well bro, i'm gonna go get something to eat myself. Live At Ibiza: i'll probably be on a little later, but you'll probably be sleeping but if i don't talk to you later, i love ya and miss ya. and i'll talk to you soon. Live At Ibiza: peace.

Life of Bryan © Bryan R., 2024