this has been the laziest weekend of my life. i've basically just sat around rolling cigarettes, drinking wine and having conversation with my mother. my brother eric just got his first tattoos yesterday and though they are somewhat generic, i almost feel that everyone has to have at least one. i'm proud of my lil bro :*) also saw some photos of brad's tattoos at the shop. it was kind of weird. he called yesterday and informed us that this week he's moving to camp babylon and then to kuwait and will be headed for home by either the end of this month or early february. i haven't heard that happiness in his voice in so long….i can't wait to see him.
also, the last couple of days have been very spring-like and it's had me feeling like it was actually coming; but that's just a dirty trick because we all know that michigan summer doesn't come until may. i think we're about to get slammed by snow storms. i hate snow. i can deal with the cold. i just don't want any damn snow. yes, las vegas, take all of it!
school starts the 13th for me and i'm kinda excited about my classes, though i have 1 more class than i did last semester so i hope i can do as well. i took an art class in place of a true speech class–i wonder how i'll do! i'm also taking cultural anthropology, a soc class, and astronomy [which i'm geeked about.]
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