Life of Bryan

So last night kicked some ass.

Didn't do a whole lot but I did go see Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Before we went, I suggested that we get a pint of Southern Comfort. So we did and smuggled it in and spiked our cokes and got buzzed at a scarey movie. I really liked the movie and I don't normally like those types of things. Maybe it had something to do with the gorgeous babe that was the main character. Goddamnit, sex really does sell. They should make a scarey movie where some psycho murders marketing majors.

Tonight is supposed to be an open mic over at theta chi's basement. I'll probably end up going over there but I don't know if I'll read any of my stuff. I'm actually just hoping that this Hilary girl is going to be there.

Still not smoking. It's hard though when everyone you know smokes. Still pulling all A's in school, but I have a lot of shit due next week thus a lot of bullshit to do this weekend. FOCUS.