Life of Bryan

My brother Brad just called from Iraq. I tell you, I’m really starting to miss that kid. He can’t stand it over there, and though he’s not a man of many words, he knows that it’s ridiculous that he’s over there in the first place. He went into the army because he didn’t have the best grades in school and still wanted to make something of himself. I pray that he’ll come back safely. I can’t imagine what it’d be like to buy him a beer and sit next to him at the bar and just bullshit. His birthday is in November…he’ll be 21. I wish he didn’t have to spend it over there. I admire the courage that he has had and for most of my life I have spent my time looking down at him but for the first time I really find myself being proud of the person he has become and truly looking up to him…and knowing that he really is something else. We have shared almost all of the same experiences throughout our lives…we’re only a year and nine months apart, so before we moved out of the house…we went through all of the good times as well as traumatic experiences together. It is not until now that our paths are really being pried apart, though I believe we’re still within sight of eachother…walking parallel…still walking within arms reach. Brothers always.