It only cost $11-20 per package to mail my wife’s homemade gifts that have a total retail value of maybe $3 each.
I don’t understand this stuff. After over $700k and years of studying the TriMet Willow Creek site for potential transit oriented development (TOD), ECOnorthwest and architecture firms come back with a squat, over-parked development proposal despite no parking being required in Metro Portland.

The most unbelievable thing about movies and TV shows set in the 80s is how many fathers were still around.
Currently re-reading: Geography Of Nowhere by James Howard Kunstler 📚
Finished reading: There Are No Accidents by Jessie Singer 📚 Excellent book.
Currently reading: Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey E. Young 📚

Currently reading: There Are No Accidents by Jessie Singer 📚
Finished reading: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson 📚
Watching Silo on Apple TV be like…

Not sure why I had completely forgotten about the Sidecar option with iPad. Really helped while working in Smartsheet this morning.

Went and visited Santa at Three Mugs Pub.
Got out by myself for a few hours this afternoon. Had to take some books back, so I checked out the Hillsdale branch of Multnomah County Library. Stopped off at Tip Top Burger (meh), then worked on my blog for a bit at Lucky Lab SW.
Making cookies.

Those wooden handled, soft-bristled back scrubbers for the shower are such a tease. Give me one of those cheap plastic ones with the tough nylon bristles that hurt so good.
Columbia River at dinner last night.

Nice sunset despite a mucky day.


Obsessed with his knockoff Lego advent calendar.