Morning walk.
Morning walk.
Photo from a few weeks ago of a dragon made of Christmas lights and spitting flames in downtown Caldwell.
8/365 📷
Kids are under the weather this morning and my wife put on Murder, She Wrote. The kids are actually getting into it 😆
Greenland is about 26% larger than Alaska and 56,000 people live there.
Shocked a younger millennial today by affirming that I, too, am a millennial and turn 44 in about a month.
7/365 📷
The sky is on fire this morning. We don’t get many of these this time of year.
Just me and a date with the S3 finale of The Bear.
My wife and I are at the point in our marriage where she intentionally puts the paper towel and TP rolls on backwards just to annoy me.
6/365 📷
A lot of pretty light this morning while walking Zoey the dog.
I’ve discovered that I prefer listening to nonfiction audiobooks over fiction. For me, fiction is for relaxing, nonfiction is just processing information.
We went out to eat last night with a few good friends and their kids. Had a great time. After we put the kids to bed, we watched Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. I’m not one for writing reviews, but it was entertaining. I was skeptical at first, but it was fun and I needed something that wasn’t too serious.
5/365 📷
Currently reading: The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler 📚
Completely forgot, but I recently passed 8 years as a nonsmoker. Unfortunately that’s about the time my weight gain started. Not sure what’s worse, being despised for being a smoker, or being treated so differently as a heavier person. At least I have my lungs, I guess.
4/365 📷
IKEA. Send backup.