I’ve grown tired of my little Canon RP and its limitations, specifically its abysmal battery life, lack of in-body image stabilization, and slow shooting speed (kids!). So I decided to sell it and give a new system a try. Excited to start working with the Nikon Zf!
Not sure how many of my followers here care about Detroit redevelopment, or old train stations, but the Michigan Central Depot has recently been magnificently restored. Long empty and falling apart, its restoration gets me all sorts of emotional. 📸: Bvictor1
#detroit #trains #historicpreservation https://skyscraperpage.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10225512&postcount=105
Not sure how many of my followers here care about Detroit redevelopment, or old train stations, but the Michigan Central Depot has recently been magnificently restored. Long empty and falling apart, its restoration gets me all sorts of emotional. 📸: Bvictor1
#detroit #trains #historicpreservation

El Jefe Food Cart. Picking up dinner a little early at the best taco truck on Portland’s west side.
Picking up dinner a little early at the best taco truck on Portland’s west side.
Recently switched to carrying a backpack to work instead of a messenger bag and I ain’t ever going back. Not sure what initially brainwashed me into thinking I needed a messenger bag for work, but my back is thanking me for making the switch.
Recently switched to carrying a backpack to work instead of a messenger bag and I ain’t ever going back. Not sure what initially brainwashed me into thinking I needed a messenger bag for work, but my back is thanking me for making the switch.
I’ve been working with this new architectural design and markup software called Rayon (pronounced like Ryan), a startup out of Paris. I really love it for the space planning component of my job. It’s so much simpler than Autodesk…I hope the company is successful so I can keep using it. https://www.rayon.design
I’ve been working with this new architectural design and markup software called Rayon (pronounced like Ryan), a startup out of Paris. I really love it for the space planning component of my job. It’s so much simpler than Autodesk…I hope the company is successful so I can keep using it.
I wonder what Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere is like.
I wonder what Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere is like.
Before kids, I wasn’t the type of person to carry cash on me. But since having them, I’ve realized that having cash, in smaller denominations, is an all-star level dad flex.
Fleet Week in the Rose City.

My Apple Music: serenading me with a mix of Taylor Swift, Converge, and Cocomelon, all within a 10-minute span at 6 a.m.
Read a comment on a post tonight that said:
“Europeans travel an hour for vacation. Americans travel an hour to get medication refilled.”
In all seriousness, not one European (or otherwise) I met on my trip knew where the hell Oregon or Washington were.
When I’m down in the dumps, I like to watch 80s and 90s movies. They always cheer me up.
Took me far too long to find the true purpose of these.

I feel like I’ve been cheating the system this week. I’ve been plugging my car into the free EV chargers at Walgreens and just going for a walk on my lunch break. My commute has been free this week.
My son, yelling from downstairs: “Dad! Can you muffled child’s voice?
Me: “What? I can’t hear you. I’m upstairs shaving!”
Son, yelling: “You can’t hear me because you’re upstairs!!!”
The cheapest tickets to Chris Stapleton are $200 for general admission, way in the back. This is so common now, not sure how they command these rates. There are so very few people I’d pay that much money to see live. I’m almost to the age where you’ve got to pay me to stay out that late!