I wonder if the doctors who don’t like prescribing antibiotics have any idea what’s happening in the meat industry.
After some thought and many years wearing the thing, I’ve decided to drop the Apple Watch in favor of my old mechanical Seiko for daily wear. What little value the Apple Watch brought never outweighed its annoyances for me.

Switched our flat rate electric service to time-of-day pricing with PGE. So long as you can divert your energy use away from 5-9 to other times of day, your bill should go down. I charge my EV overnight ($0.08 per kWh) and saved $29 last month over the flat rate plan. #pdx
Fellow parents, how much time (if any) do you schedule for your own interests, creativity, hobbies and other pursuits in a given week? How do you negotiate that with your partner?
I just realized I had the ISO cranked way up yesterday on my camera during our family trip to Enchanted Forest and I didn’t even realize it. I thought full auto meant full auto…guess not. I still have so much to learn, and need to pay attention. Thankfully some of the photos still turned out.
Days like these make the hard days worth it.

Nikon coming up from behind with its release of Nikon Imaging Cloud. Looking forward to this being made available to the Zf so I can play around with it.
Nikon Imaging Cloud enables users to recreate their favorite film stock, preset, or experiment with a library of existing recipes from Nikon Creators, and upload it to their camera as a color profile. Up to 9 recipes can be uploaded directly from the cloud to a Nikon camera, providing endless creative freedom and experimentation.
Rest in peace Shelley Duvall, Dr. Ruth, and Richard Simmons. The world lost some authentic ones this weekend.
Oregano ruins anything it touches.
Hate to say it, but I’m ready for fall.

Zawojski said he once mistakenly received mail from the Crooks house, but never engaged with the family members directly even as he returned the mail to their porch. “I couldn’t even tell you what they look like,” he said.
Sadly, this is much of America in the age of streaming services and smart phones. I’ve got a neighbor two doors down that I’ve lived next to for 6 years and have only seen him 2 or 3 times to get his DoorDash from the porch.
Goodbye, ol’ Suby. You were a great car for the 11 years you were mine. I probably took this car to 30 states on road trips. Sold to a friend’s son as his first car, hopefully he gets another 100k out of it.

I got tired of my polycarbonate lenses always scratching, so last year I sent in my WP frames to Eyeglasses.com and had real glass lenses put in. No scratches. I love them.

I dragged a friend to the Les Savy Fav show and I don’t think they knew what they were getting into.
Downgrading your Verizon bill be like.

Decided I’m abandoning my affiliation with the Democratic Party and will become an independent (small “i”) voter. Between sidelining Bernie in 2016 and now attempting to block 3rd party access to state ballots, this system needs to be systematically demolished and rebuilt.
Ecology also teaches that all life on earth can be viewed as a competition among species for the solar energy captured by green plants and stored in the form of complex carbon molecules. A food chain is a system for passing those calories on to species that lack the plant’s unique ability to synthesize them from sunlight.
Excerpt from The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan