Bryan Robb

IMO the summer sunsets often aren’t much to look at here on account of there being so few clouds. No cotton candy skies like back east. Fall can be pretty nice, though.

“…[T]he nations with the biggest surpluses of grain have always exerted power over the ones in short supply. Throughout history governments have encouraged their farmers to grow more than enough grain, to protect against famine, to free up labor for other purposes, to improve the trade balance, and generally to augment their own power. George Naylor is not far off when he says the real beneficiary of his crop is not America's eaters but its military-industrial complex.”

// The Omnivore’s Dilemma

TIL I’m 70 lbs overweight.
I don’t like how I feel most days. Setting a goal today to change the way I eat and hopefully the energy will follow. The current path is unsustainable and I want to have more energy for my kids.

Growing up in MI, I always thought Grosse Pointe et al. was just a bougie area. My perspective has changed. They are gorgeous, rather urban former street car neighborhoods for which there is no affordable counterpart in the PNW.

Growing up in MI, I always thought Grosse Pointe et al. was just a bougie area. My perspective has changed. They are gorgeous, rather urban former street car neighborhoods for which there is no affordable counterpart in the PNW.

That feeling when you realize you could save $170-200 per month just by switching your grocery store from Fred Meyer to Winco…but still not sure if it’s actually worth it because doing your own grocery shopping every week suuckkkks.

I put almost 1200 miles on a Subaru Outback last week and I’m so happy to be back in my own car. It reinforced my decision to go with an EV.

Continually impressed that there are still so many people who act like they’ve never flown before.

“Oh wow, I forgot to take off my watch and my necklace! Oh, I have to take off my shoes and jacket? I’m so sorry, I left 32 ounces of water in my carry on!”

I know it’s 5:30 a.m. but it must feel amazing to move through the world so oblivious and unbothered.

Watching the Olympics is just me saying to myself: “Wow, they must’ve grown up rich to play this sport,” over and over again.

Passing through Lansing and stopped for a bit. I lived here for over 10 years and I do not miss it. In fact, pretty sure I’m dealing with some minor PTSD having been trapped here for so long.

Passing through Lansing and stopped for a bit. I lived here for over 10 years and I do not miss it. In fact, pretty sure I’m dealing with some minor PTSD having been trapped here for so long.

Still, I had to see how things had changed, and how they’ve stayed the same. My old house on Allen Street:

Someone sure put a lot of love into this backyard.

My buddy Dan’s once meticulously kept lawn is now an urban prairie.

Hunter Park:

And of course, one of the glimmers of decent memories, Dagwoods. I can almost taste their olive burger.