Went to a musical at Mountainside High School tonight and then had some food and drinks with friends at Cooper Mountain Ale Works in Sherwood, OR. Not the best food, but it was nice to see people and feel part of a community.
There’s a development forum I frequent that still uses vBulletin version 3.8.7. That’s software that came out in 2010. The owner refuses to upgrade and the users won’t migrate because of their post counts. Is there a way I can throw a browser based CSS skin on it for a mobile style view?
What’s that you say? You’ve never heard a Twin Reverb cranked to 10, in person? Yeah, me neither…until the Tone Master version, which allows you to attenuate down to 1 watt and play at bedroom levels while still getting that natural breakup sound. My medicine this weekend.

How are you taking care of yourself this weekend?
A Trumper resorted to criticizing my “combover” instead of my ideas yesterday. I’m still kind of smiling about it.
Probably crazy, but I’ve always wanted to take Amtrak down the west coast in one of those sleeper cabins.
Currently reading: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera 📚
I’m losing followers on other platforms because of my opinions about the election. But what bothers me more is how silent so many people are being about this. People who didn’t vote for him but appear as if nothing happened. The mass silence among people I respect is fucking me up.
I think I’ve gained back all the weight I lost just since Halloween. It’s been a helluva time these last 8 days.
I was recognized as an Italian citizen, coincidentally, on Election Day 2020. We stuck around, but hell if we aren’t thinking about an extended sabbatical now.
Dog Zoey, who just turned 8, makes me laugh with her morning routine. She usually sleeps downstairs on the couch, but when my raucous children wake up and stampede downstairs, she heads upstairs and lays in my bed to avoid the chaos of mornings.
Figured I’d give Day One a spin after many years. When I logged in, it found a journal of mine from 11 years ago with 87 entries that I had completely forgotten about. This was one entry from 2013. Damn, I was an angsty brat.

Focus and self care do not come naturally to me. Maybe that’s common in this age. I am making some progress lately, slowly chipping away at some new habits. Reading, writing, small exercise routines, putting my phone down more. But progress feels glacially slow. Bad habits die hard.
Having all sorts of internet/network issues today, both personal and work.
Currently reading: Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession by Chuck Thompson 📚
I have to start making alternative plans for Thanksgiving. IYKYK
Looking like a replay of 16.

Finished reading: A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut 📚
Home sick and more 90s nostalgia
I’m so grateful my parents are Democrats. I can’t imagine being from a family that I don’t respect.