Bryan Robb

I bought one of those wedge pillows for my bed and it all might be downhill from here.

Just realized RNs at OHSU make up to about $90/hr. If I didn’t know how crazy some of those jobs can be, I might consider a midlife career change.

I’m required by my employer to put 6% of my salary into a retirement fund (401a) I do not control. I also have an old 401k from a previous employer that had a nearly identical balance several years ago, but I haven’t contributed anything to it. The account I control has a higher balance.

This whole I-used-my-credit-card-at-your-business-one-time-and-now-you’re-spamming-me-daily-with-offers crap has got to stop.

Met this fancy lady at the park the other day, who was gracious enough to paws for a photo.

A bulldog wearing a pink sweater and harness is sitting on a park pathway.

Working on an article for my planning blog about pop. density and doing some research. For all the flack the west side gets from Portlanders, there are some very dense nodes. Elmonica Station has 10k ppsm and will soon have over 16,000, denser than ANY neighborhood on the east side of Portland.

Grateful we don’t get much snow in the valley, but I wouldn’t mind a white Christmas this year. 🤞

On the lookout for a new Mastodon server with longer post character count. Let me know if you have a recommendation.

Just finished The Madness on Netflix. Loved the cast and storyline. Kept me interested and the pace was perfect.

I’ve been having this issue with the new Apple Mail where it becomes unresponsive sometimes when I open it by clicking an email notification. I have to force close to get it to work again. Very strange.

One reason so many people have an aversion toward attached housing is the uniformity and blandness of it all. Uninspired finishes that an HOA controls with no hope of evolving character. I wish we had more examples of fee simple attatched housing. Even some 80s hoods are looking decent these days.

I did not see a single soul on this TriMet MAX Red Line train going west at 8:25 a.m.